Quick Tip #1
If street lights or other accessories are dim or move slowly, it is most likely
a transformer/power pack problem. There may be too many things drawing power. The
solution is to invest in more powerful transformer/power pack to run the trains, or
buy an inexpensive unit and use it only for accessories.
Quick Tip #2
No one wants a locomotive that you have to push to get it going. You don't
want one that suddenly speeds up and falls off he tracks. If you want your train to
run well, be prepared to pay good money for a good quality locomotive. Buy the best
locomotive you can afford. Buy a high-performing workhorse and it will pay for
itself in no time with the pleasure it gives you over many years.
Quick Tip #3
A small mirror tile can be a useful tool to add to your toolkit. It can be
particularly helpful when looking for kinks, dips and misalignments in track.
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To check alignments simply set the mirror on the edge on the track. That will
enable you to inspect the alignment of the rails, not by looking directly along the
rails, but instead by looking into the mirror at the image of the rails.
This will save you from stretching or bending over (no so easy as we get older)
or getting track imprints in your cheek. When you bend down and sight along a rail
the track can appear to be very smooth. However, by looking at the image of the
rail in a mirror, kinks and dips are often easier to spot.
The mirror can also prove useful when placed alongside the track to view the
action of trucks and wheels while the train moves over a trouble spot.
Also, consider using a mirror when laying track in difficult locations and even
track that is out in the open.