straight-forward, no nonsense REAL answers to everything you ever wanted
Learn step-by-step
how to make difficult tasks EASY... save money and avoid costly mistakes building
model railroads!"
- The easiest way to construct your own model railroad tunnels with dramatic
- Techniques to make your model railway town scene more realistic with less
- Step-by-step photo tutorials including: how to electrically join two
baseboards, the easiest way to build a frame and baseboard, how to solder
track, lay ballast and more!

- 22 model railway layout designs with model railway track plans and track
parts list included.
- The MOST COMMON cause for trains to run erratically (and how easy it is to
- 5 model railway track cleaning methods explained and the thing you MUST
- Clever railway modeler techniques to create a tranquil pond, drainage
canal, raging waterfall and rippling stream.
- How to figure out model railway grades - do you need to solder the track
layout? Illustrated step by step model railways track wiring tutorial for model

- The quick railway modeller tips that could save you costly repairs… and
much more!
- What to look out for when buying a DCC system. Track plan wiring tips with
- How to get smoother locomotive acceleration and improved control at lower
speeds on your model railroad layout.
What Others
Say -
"I have spent 2 1/2 hours reading your ebook and I do not know how to thank you
enough. What you have done here is incredible. You have certainly put a lot of work
into it and it only complements your ebook. There is so much to learn about all the
aspects of Model Railroading and you have put it all together in one source. I did
not see one thing that was not useful to me." Mike K, Yukon, Oklahoma,
"I have just downloaded the e-book and read it through. This is GREAT!!!!! At 51
years old I am just getting ready to design a model railway layout to be built
after I retire. All of the info will help me plan for the future."
Steve G, UK
"I have been collecting and running mode trains for about 50 years and I think I
have about every book about model trains! Your ebook is by far the best and the one
I now go to first. The cost was very reasonable. For that much information it
should cost at least twice as much. I really appreciate the new edition. I just
can't say enough positive things about the book. Thank you so very much for all
your hard work. You are a great asset to the hobby of model railroading."
Jack H, St. George, Utah, USA.
"I followed your model railway plans for the mainline and industrial layout. My
train layout has turned out brilliantly!" Bill T, Birmingham,

"I just took a look at some of the wiring and layout plans included in your new
model railway book and I must say you have done an excellent job." Mike
T, Victoria, Australia
"Thanks Rob, you showed how to build model railways. Was made easier for me.
Model railway layout design was big help also." Rick C,
"Lots of great little tips for both beginner and expert. The list of references
is worth the price alone!" Duane Lindstrom, Michigan,
"I've been a model railroader for 34 years and got numerous layout tips I didn't
know from your excellent book. I would recommend it to anyone." Jack W,
Toronto, Canada
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