Now, I know that many railroad modelers who could greatly benefit from my Model Train Help
ebook, simply won't order. That's fine with me from a business point of view, but it still bothers
me personally… because I see all the emails, from model railroaders about the incredible value they
received. Here's what I mean:
"Your ebook has done a lot of good to me, in reorganizing my existing layout. I am a
railroader for the past 20 years and I thought that I know it all !!! Wrong.... I have learned a
lot and the book has given me new ideas." Evert. M, Ontario, Canada.
"I started building my Model RR a few months back after several years of reading,
buying cars, locomotives, scenery and structures. Your reference guide has been just that. Every
time I start a project or have a question in the middle of one, I will immediately pick up your
reference guide to help me through the project. Thanks again, from a not so novice
anymore." Ben B, Houston, Texas, USA.
"You are a man of your word. The new edition of Model Train Help will take my model
railroading (and all who read your ebook ) to a higher level. I can't think of any aspect that is
not covered. Thank you for the best all encompassing book I've come across on model
trains." Burnell C, Montreal, Canada.
"I was thrilled to find your ebook! It's easy to understand. It's important to the
average person to be able to not get lost in what you're trying to explain to them. You do an
excellent job with that. I got your ebook because I have a friend who is thinking about someday
opening a place where kids and adults can go to enjoy the love of trains. Thanks
again." Christine C, Plantsville, CT. USA.
"Model Train Help is a valuble tool for any model railroader, from novice to expert.
I have started my 5th different layout and am still learning. Model Train Help gave me new ideas
for creating realistic scenery from roads to mountains. The easy to understand explanation of the
differences between DCC and analog was beneficial to me in deciding to keep my current railroad
analog. I'm glad I ordered the book." HKK, Montana, USA.
"Having just received your latest edition of 'Model Train Help', I can honestly say
that it is the best book I have yet seen on the subject. As a newcomer to the hobby, I have found
it to be extremely enlightening, a fantastic reference book (with numerous helpful contacts), and
all that I needed! Thanks for producing a wonderful book...I will certainly recommend it to my
friends and colleagues!" Hans A, Johannesburg, South Africa.
"For a first-time modeler I am super-impressed with this publication! It is 'down
to< earth' and very easy to read and understand. It has a wealth of information! Every new
modeler should have it available as a resource!!!" Harold N, Hartland, N.B. Canada.
"After reading the Model Train Help ebook and thanks to the wealth of information
contained in it I no longer have any questions or doubts as to what gauge and layout to use for my
proposed backyard garden railroad." Warwick V, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
“I have been a long time admirer of model trains. The e-book was easy to download and
easy to understand. For the price it is too cheap. The info, and links are great and filled with
valuable info, you would have to buy a book case full of books to get this information on model
railroading. The tutorials are even better than I thought they would be. Thank you so much for you
expertise. I only hope i can do as good on my newest lay
out.” REX B, UK.
"I belong to two HO model Railroad Clubs. I have the title of DCC Master in one club
and DCC Troubleshooter in the other club. I am also an Engineer at the Walkersville Southern
Railroad in Fredrick MD. I find your ebook a gold mine of information and an easy reference for
many of my projects." Ralph H, Virginia, USA.
"Robert Anderson has elequintly compiled a valuable referrencing tool for model train
enthusiasts of all ages and gauges with his ebook 'Model Train Help'! It is the 'Soup to nuts'
handbook packed with user friendly, tried and true tips for the novice and experienced model
railroader alike - simply a must-have!" Rich F, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.